Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)
Centre for Language Studies: website |
Ms Susanna Lam (susanna@nus.edu.sg) |
Chinese Studies | Ms April Ng Siok Hwang (fasasnsh@nus.edu.sg)
Communications and New Media: website
| cnmderc@nus.edu.sg
Economics | ecs_derc@nus.edu.sg
English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies |
Ms Pamela Sebestian (ellpps@nus.edu.sg) |
History | Dr Matthias Wong (matthias.wong@nus.edu.sg) |
Japanese Studies |
Ms April Ng Siok Hwang (fasasnsh@nus.edu.sg) |
Malay Studies, Southeast Asian Studies, and South Asian Studies | Ms Sharifah Alhadad (fasassa@nus.edu.sg) |
Political Science |
Mr Wesley Ngoi (polnyjw@nus.edu.sg)
Psychology: website | Psych Ethics Enquiries (psybox27@nus.edu.sg) |
Social Work: website
| swkbox5@nus.edu.sg
Sociology & Anthropology: website | Ms Vickneswari S (socbox3@nus.edu.sg) |
Faculty of Science (FOS)
| website |
| Biological Sciences | Ms Yong Ann Nee (ann_nee@nus.edu.sg) |
| Food Science & Technology | Ms Yang Dimeng (dimeng.yang@nus.edu.sg), Ms Hanny Putri Pranata (hanny@nus.edu.sg) |
| Pharmacy | Ms Chew Ying Ying (phacyy@nus.edu.sg), Mr Steve Tay (steve_t@nus.edu.sg) |
School of Business
| Ethics Review Committee: website | biz-erc@nus.edu.sg
College of Design and Engineering | Ethics Review Committee: website | cdebox5@nus.edu.sg
School of Computing | DERC: website | Ms Iris Chang (irischang@nus.edu.sg) |
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health | DERC | sshsphderc@se.nus.edu.sg
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
| Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies (ALCNS): website | Ms Sinnathamby Krishnaleela (krish-79@nus.edu.sg) |
NUSMed Medical Sciences Departmental Ethics Review Committee (MS-DERC) website MS-DERC is only able to review applications from students / staff in these 5 Depts- Anatomy, Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology, Pharmacology, Physiology Other Clinical Departments should submit directly to NUS-IRB.
| Ms Swapna Haresh Teckwani (swapnaht@nus.edu.sg)
Duke-NUS | Duke-NUS DERC: website | derc.education@duke-nus.edu.sg |
Institute of Policy Studies | IPS DERC - review research conducted by IPS staff only. | Ms Sakunika (Saku) Wewalaarachchi (sakunika@nus.edu.sg), Ms Choo Yen Ping (choo.yenping@nus.edu.sg)
Yale-NUS College | Yale-NUS College Ethics Review Committee (CERC): website | researchethics@yale-nus.edu.sg
NUS College (NUSC) | NUSC DERC | NUSC.Ethics@nus.edu.sg
NUS Graduate School | NGS DERC | Mr Ho Wei Min (ngshwm@nus.edu.sg) |
Institute for Applied Learning Sciences & Educational Technology (ALSET) and Centre for Development of Teaching & Learning (CDTL) | The Learning & Analytics Committee on Ethics (LACE) - for review of all Educational research that qualifies for an Exemption: website | lace-derc@nus.edu.sg |
The College of Alice and Peter Tan (CAPT) | DERC: website | Ms Lee Meng Choo (lee.mengchoo@nus.edu.sg), Ms Serene Ho (h0serene@nus.edu.sg) |
Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Centre (CTPCLC) | DERC | Ms Elsie Lim (elsielim@nus.edu.sg) |